1. 不要删除,重命名,或者移动“.galleryvault_DoNotDelete_***”文件夹;


2. 当APP被卸载时,一些类似清理软件(例如猎豹清理大师)会提示你通知你删除应用程序生成的文件。如果希望临时卸载照片保险箱并在以后使用它, 请确保在对话框跳出询问您“是否要删除由照片保险箱生成的文件”时,选择不删除。

3. 如果你正在使用一些清理软件,请在清理空间时不删除照片保险箱的文件。

4. 如果你想更换手机,格式化手机或者更换SD卡,请及时备份你的文件。(设置 >> 备份与恢复)

1.DO NOT delete, rename or move the folder .galleryvault_DoNotDelete_*** or any file in it. 



2.When an app is uninstalled, some files cleaning tool (E.g. Clean Master) may notify you to delete the files generated by the app. If you want to uninstall Gallery Vault temporarily and use it later, make sure do not confirm to delete when a dialog jumps asking you whether to delete the files generated by Gallery Vault. 

3.If you are using some cleaning tool, please make sure not to delete any files of Gallery Vault.

4.If you want to change your device or factory reset your device or change the SD card, please backup your files first(Refer to the upper section "How to backup and restore").